Tutorials > Databases

The SELECT statement and FROM clause

Starting up a SQL database and seeing data

This is a lesson on simply how to open a database and show data from a database. If you're thinking, "What the hell? In Excel, I just open a file and there is the data"

Yep!_ That's correct. The SQL SELECT statement and FROM clause will be a first taste of how explicit SQL is compared to your standard spreadsheet. A spreadsheet will conveniently display all of its contents upon opening. A SQL database will only show you only what you tell it to show you.

Note: For this SQL lesson, I will be using the Sequel Pro GUI for the MySQL database engine and will be querying the SFPD incident reports categorized as ASSAULT

If you want to see exactly the same results I do, you'll want to download and import the__ MySQL database of 2003 to 2013 assault reports from the SFPD__.

I've also created the SQLite version of that database, which should functionally be the same as the MySQL version.

For both MySQL and SQLite, I've also created a database of all the SFPD reports from 2003 to 2013. All the queries should work the same, except you can explore all the different categories of crime. The tradeoff is that the database is much bigger, and so will be slower to download, import, and query. If you're completely new to all this, I would just go with the assaults database, just so any errors you make don't take even longer to figure out.

The SQL interpreter's insistence on being told exactly what to do can be annoying when you just want to see everything by default, which is why most database GUIs let you browse a data table via the Browse/Content functionality:


But what if you want to see only a few columns, if just to reduce the amount of visual clutter? In a spreadhseet, you would have to manually rearrange or hide the columns – or, as some foolish novices do and regret later: delete the unwanted columns.

With SQL, you can select data fields with a query like this:

SELECT Category, Descript, Date, Time FROM sfpd_incidents



Watch me execute a SELECT query with Sequel Pro:

Download (right-click) this video

The typing may seem tedious, but the tradeoff is that by being explicit, you do away with the fumbling click-and-drag-and-button-pushing motions that will inevitably result in embarrassing data mistakes, even for the best of Excel-masters; ask these Harvard economists about it.

The SELECT statement

This expression retrieves columns. Used alone, it will retrieve literal or computed values. It's not particularly interesting until we refer to tables, but let's see what the syntax looks like by itself:

SELECT a value

Executing this basic query:

SELECT "hello world";

Will return a single column titled "hello world" and a single row with the value of "hello world". Nothing special here:


Querying for a computational statement, such as adding two numbers together:

SELECT 10 + 32;

– will result in this:


SELECT a series of values/columns

Use commas to select multiple fields/values:

SELECT "A", "B", 9 + 7, "Hello world"
A B 9 + 7 Hello world
A B 16 Hello world

The FROM clause

If we think of SELECT as a sentence, then our sentences so far have been very simple. Just as in English, we add complexity to our SQL statements with clauses.

So far, the SQL program hasn't actually touched our database tables. With the FROM clause, we can specify the columns we want to SELECT. The "grammar" goes like this:

SELECT [a column name] FROM [a table name]

Written as a SQL statement:

SELECT Location FROM sfpd_incidents

The result:


The query will return the value of the Location column for every row. If you're using the database of just the SFPD assaults from 2003 to 2013, the result will contain 130,097 rows.

Just as an exercise, try querying:

SELECT "hello world" FROM sfpd_incidents;

The result should look like this:

(again, one row)

hello world
hello world
hello world
hello world
…(130,097 times)

Note: You'll likely never do something like that, but it's worth just reemphasizing the basics of SELECT here.

Selecting multiple columns from a table

No surprises here:

SELECT Location, X, Y
FROM sfpd_incidents
Location X Y
300 Block of WOODSIDE AV -122.452194214 37.745666504
400 Block of NATOMA ST -122.406684875 37.781009674
300 Block of COLUMBUS AV -122.407066345 37.798183441
300 Block of ELLIS ST -122.412330627 37.784889221
300 Block of ELLIS ST -122.412330627 37.784889221
1900 Block of JENNINGS ST -122.387695312 37.728080750
1000 Block of SUTTER ST -122.416862488 37.788208008
400 Block of TURK ST -122.416641235 37.782432556
400 Block of TURK ST -122.416641235 37.782432556
1300 Block of NATOMA ST -122.418441772 37.767608643

Selecting all the columns

Sometimes you just want all the columns in a table. You could do this manually, e.g.

  IncidntNum, Category, Descript, DayOfWeek, Date, Time, PdDistrict, Resolution, Location, X, Y

However, you can use an asterisk as a shorthand for "all the columns":

sql SELECT * FROM sfpd_incidents

Frequent mistakes

Even today, the most common SQL mistake I make is this:

SELECT IncidentNum, Category, Descript

The above statement will return an error because I've omitted what table I want to select these columns from. In the GUI, just because you've selected a table by clicking on it and you've been querying the same table for the past hour, doesn't mean that the SQL interpreter will automatically assume that you're using the same table.

Also, that above query will throw an error because I've spelled 'IncidntNum' as 'Incid__e__ntNum'; database software won't do the guesswork for you when it comes to typos.

Keep this need for being explicit (and repetitive) in mind. That's typical behavior in programming languages.


What have we learned here? Not much, just the particular SQL syntax needed to list the contents of our data tables. But get this syntax grounded, because our "sentences" will very soon become much more convoluted with different kinds of clauses.


  1. Write the query which produces a result table in which all the columns from the sfpd_incidents table, but list them in alphabetical order. Yes, this means typing it out manually.
  2. Write the query which produces a result table with a single column which contains the sum of the X and Y columns from sfpd_incidents
Solution 1
  Category, Date, Descript, IncidntNum, Location, PdDistrict, Resolution, Time, X, Y
FROM sfpd_incidents
Solution 2
FROM sfpd_incidents

Other resources:

SQL: The Prequel (Excel vs. Databases)

A Gentle Introduction to SQL Using SQLite, Part I

Peter Aldhous's SQLite tutorial